Originally written in 1986 by Camilla Gray and published under the Thames & Hudson World of Art Series, this book is a pioneering work about one of the most fascinating and mysterious episodes in the history of modern art. This redesign features the addition of an indexing system which lists the artists chronologically below the page as well as in conjunction to the chapter title. This system reveals the many cross-cultural and international origins of the participating artists across the continent, who in popular culture are wrongly grouped under the singular umbrella term of “Russian” artists.
Main / The Russian Experiment in Art
Originally written in 1986 by Camilla Gray and published under the Thames & Hudson World of Art Series, this book is a pioneering work about one of the most fascinating and mysterious episodes in the history of modern art. This redesign features the addition of an indexing system which lists the artists chronologically below the page as well as in conjunction to the chapter title. This system reveals the many cross-cultural and international origins of the participating artists across the continent, who in popular culture are wrongly grouped under the singular umbrella term of “Russian” artists.